BIG NEWS! Let’s welcome will collens as our new kinsman campus pastor!

Today, we announced that Will Collens will become our Kinsman Campus Pastor in 2025! Will, we are so excited for you and the new level of impact you will have in leading people to follow Jesus together! We believe in YOU and the pastoral call on your life and are honored to affirm it in this house!


What does that mean for you, our church family?

Here are some presumed FAQs

Where will Pastor Jordan be?

*Most Sundays, Pastor Jordan will still be on site and occasionally preaching as the Lead Pastor. On occasion, he will be at another Rock of Grace campus like Warren or a new campus or assisting a new church in our 10 Cities Mission.

Who will lead worship?

*Because we have such a deep bench of worship leaders, we will all share this role for now. Pastor Jordan and Pastor Will will work together to ensure teams are set and everything is ready with the WL for each week doing more prep than before. We're so proud of our DavidU students and staff who have grown in this role.

Can I still meet with Pastor Jordan for counseling?

*Yes! At times, he will refer you to Pastor Will (just like we see in Ex 18 and Eph 4) but other times, he will meet with you. Pastor Mark Biel and David Brock are also available but in the same way that Pastor Andrew pastors / counsels people in our Warren Campus, WIll Collens will now assist me in counseling and pastoring people in our Kinsman Campus, helping them in our spiritual development and in times of crisis and celebration.

What is Pastor Jordan's role?

*Pastor Jordan's role is still Lead Pastor; in terms of what he does, it is almost the same, although he will preach less. He is still guiding the annual teaching content nuts and bolts, cowriting with Andrew Pitts. He is still leading the Staff into greater impact of accomplishing our mission of leading people to follow Jesus together through church-planting, worship services and life groups. P Jordan will now have more time to allocate to Transform Trumbull Initiative 2 (life skills and recovery for those statistically prone to addiction and those who are addicted) DavidU, and our 10 Cities Mission of church-planting.

Pastor Will will have oversight of the Kinsman services just like Pastor Andrew does and it will align with what Pastor Jordan and the senior leadership team have planned for the year. In other words, you won't see a ton of changes in terms of calendar and "staple" events and discipleship programs at Rock of Grace. You will however hear Pastor Will preach more and have another pastor you can call in a crisis or time of need. We’re so thankful that God has raised up leaders like Will to help carry the load and minister to people in our growing congregation. We truly believe we will see Ohio For Jesus!

When does this shift take place?

*January 1st, 2025

Why not use the term “Associate Pastor” if Pastor Jordan isn’t leaving?

The reason is an Associate Pastor doesn’t typically have the same authority as a Campus Pastor. Because of the clearly defined role we’ve set for Campus Pastor, WIll, like Andrew, can schedule missionaries, and adjust service orders if needed while still in alignment with the overall goals and guidelines; he can provide counseling, perform weddings and funerals, etc. While Pastor Will will function as an associate pastor to Pastor Jordan in many ways, he has more authority and preaching time than a typical associate would have.

To see the video of the service where the announcement was made and the “5 fold gifts” teaching from Ephesians 4 was given, click here.