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Too many Christians accidentally compartmentalize their worship and faith, separating it from Monday morning, on-the-job stuff. But the Bible makes it clear how we are to honor each of these relationships - authority above us, people below us, and coworkers. Let’s see what God’s Blueprint for Discipleship looks like when it comes to authority and organizational structure in the HOME and at WORK.

What happened on that night that Christ was born? This month, we’re talking about the radical change and hope that entered humanity when God became man.

09.01.24 Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider

God is thoughtful, caring and a Father who provides for His people. Time and time again we see this not only in His Word but in our lives.

When every believer finds their fit and uses their gifts, Christ is revealed to the world! In this series we’ll learn about Spiritual Gifts! We’ll dismantle some myths and answer some FAQ about gifts and hopefully, have faith rise in all of us to use the gifts God has given so that Christ be magnified!


In this series we’ll fall more in love with Jesus as we remember the words He spoke and we’ll “hang on every word” every one of His promises are “yes and amen!” His words have POWER! He is the GREAT I AM! Let’s go to JESUS and see what HE has to SAY to us!

God wants to be first in all things (and He deserves it) Really, it’s a matter of Lordship. The trouble is we often have good intentions but bad habits. The reality is, our habits form who we are, not our intentions. In your Group this week, discuss the following:

  • What’s the “implementation strategy” for your daily time w/God? Meaning, I will meet with God and read the Word at _____am/pm in _____ location. Saying a time and location is called a “point and call” system in the words of James Clear, best-selling author of Atomic Habits. If we really want to know God and make Him LORD, we’ll adjust our routines and habits in order to become that person.

  • What small change can I make to my day or week to sincerely make Jesus LORD of my life (not just Savior)?


  • What’s an area of my life that is painful that I can learn to trust God in?

  • Is there a wound I have yet to open up to God about?

  • Is God still good even when my big prayers aren’t answered?


  • What is the “evil” that you need to confront? Is it in your own home? Your city? Your school? Are you willing to “face evil” and speak the truth in love?

  • Will you have the courage to confront your own sin or myths hidden in your heart and become the person God says you can be?

  • What are the misbeliefs lurking in your heart inhibiting you from stepping out in courage to confront idolatry in your world?

This month, we’re taking to heart the Apostle Paul’s declaration that God is able to do more than we could ever ask, think or imagine. *Eph 3:20 NRSV So what does that mean for you? Really this is about prayer. When you pray…

  • What is something you maybe gave up on in prayer that God would like to revive in your heart - something that maybe seemed “too big” for God to do?

  • When you think about the future, do you unintentionally worry instead of wonder? How can we get in the habit of training our imagination to WONDER with the Holy Spirit about all the beautiful things that HE wants to do?

  • What will you do to think through your role in bringing Heaven to earth - in being used by God? We often minimize our role and “put it on the shelf” when God speaks to us. But is that what Scripture teaches? The good steward WORKS to bring about the Kingdom enabled by the grace of God. “According to the grace at work within me…” Paul said. What is the grace doing in you?

Big idea of this sermon: God gives us courage by His Spirit.

What do you need courage to face or to do? The Spirit of God will empower you to:

To Tell To Start To Stop To Invite To Confront and Forgive

The Holy Spirit prompted Onesimus to make amends with Philemon His former slave owner. You can make amends.

The Holy Spirit prompted Peter to preach and Paul to plant churches and Lydia to open her home and lead Bible Studies. What do YOU need the courage to do. “Take heart for I am with you always!” - Jesus

Is there any drawer (area) of our life that is off-limits to God? The truth is that Jesus can only be Lord and Savior, He can’t just be Savior. Following Jesus is an all-in thing where He truly has access to EVERY part of our life and permission to change things.

God wants your marriage to thrive! Satan wants it to die. The Bible gives us some very clear advice on HOW to make your marriage thrive. Let’s learn together!

What is most essential that we know and do as Jesus-followers?

What does the Bible say about the Rapture? Is Jesus really coming back? What about the “1,000 years?” Why is there always turmoil in Israel? Join us this month as we talk about end times and our hope and future, secure in Christ Jesus!

Too many Christians don’t realize the unseen battle raging for their hearts and families, “but we are not ignorant of the devil’s schemes…”

We all want to fit and we all want to know who we are and our role. In our families, God’s Word is clear on the structure of the family.

Why do so many pentecostals throw shame at liturgical worship expressions and why do so many conservative liturgical churches mock and even vilify pentecostals? Is it possible that wisdom is found in the balance? It is possible for us to have both Sacraments and Spirit? Is it Biblical for us to honor specific traditions but also let the Holy Spirit spontaneously suprise us? I believe so.

What if we’re lacking peace because of the thoughts we have? Do our thoughts truly glorify Jesus or do they reflect a sinful nature that must be renewed? God has NOT given us a spirit of fear but rather of love, power and a sound mind!

This month, we’re learning why it’s incredibly important to truly understand scripture and have sound doctrine. All too often Christians pick and choose the verse they want to help them get thru xyz. While one verse can be powerful, it’s important to read in context so we get GOD’s heart.

When we read the book of Acts, we find that God intends us to go on adventures with the Holy Spirit! How have YOU been surprised by God’s voice?

What does God’s Word teach us about relationships and how we’re to engage with one other? Isn’t it enough to just “be close to Jesus?”

When we suffer, we have questions for God. This series aims to explore those questions and what the Bible teaches us.

This month, we’re going to hear the power of a testimony and share in the celebration of God’s grace and power!

The Bible lists attributes we as Christ-followers should develop.

God the Father has destinations for each and every one of His children. There are amazing milestones our journey of faith. How are we supposed to reach them and enjoy the view? Let’s talk!

Vision & Values - how God brings the Victories in our lives when we not only take part in His Kingdom, but actively participate in the local church.

Week 1 - Money is something that touches ALL things in our lives. Virtually every decision factors in cost. This is why it’s so important we learn what the Bible says about money and how to manage it wisely.

Today, we hear a powerful story from a family who faced unbelievable stress and unexpected tragedy. Does God see when we suffer from depression, anxiety or fear? Does the Bible have answers for these issues? Yes!

Does God have a plan for this big crazy world? At times it seems like it and at other times, it doesn’t. Let’s talk about it.

Why did God’s Word give us commands like Communion, Sabbath & daily Devotions? In the rhythms that God provides we find the peace that God designed.


Pastor Jordan Biel

How is the message of Creation (in Genesis) connected to Jesus’ message about the Good Samaritan? Are we really connected forever? Why?

In December we’re looking at the THRILL OF HOPE that only Jesus gives!

Psalms describes the believer as being a tree firmly planted and rooted by the stream, bearing fruit in every season, unshaken by storms of life. Does that describe you? In this series we will look closely at the book of Colossians and find out how to be rooted in the Lord.

Q. for your Life Group Discussion:

  1. What is grace? 2. Why do we need the Gospel daily? 3. Why is it easy to become transactional and move away from grace & toward religion? 4. Have I ever been “the older brother” Talk about it & be real.

We’re looking at the Trinity this month and wow, is it powerful! God is three-in-one and because of that, we are people of the Spirit!

3 Q. to ask your Life Gp:

1. When has Jesus been powerful in your life?

2. When has Jesus been patient with you?

3. When has Jesus been poised - teaching you to be confident in Him, unshaken by man’s opinion?

In this two part series, Pastor Jordan teaches on the life of Daniel, the prophetic dream-interpreter. Daniel’s courage to stand by his convictions and do so with wisdom and respect should inspire us in 2021. As the world increases it’s demands for everyone to fall in line with a Babylon mindset, we need courage that only comes through prayer. Can we stand on truth and walk in love? YES!

In “Where Are You?” we’re going to look at the story of the first humans, the lie of shame and what it means to live as God intended - image bearers!


In Flannel Board, we’re going to look at people in the Bible & see if we can’t find ourselves in their story. Most importantly, see if we can find Jesus and His ability to save!

One of our values is that we are Grounded in Scripture. It’s one thing for us as a church to hold this in highest esteem, it’s another for you. Do you know why it’s so important to read the Bible every day? Join us & grab the notes!


We’re going back to why. Why do we worship? Why do we study God’s Word? Why do we start churches? Aren't there enough churches already? Join us this month as we re-discover WHY.

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